Janice Corrales

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Janice Corrales

Founding Attorney At Corrales Law Group

1835 W Orangewood Ave Suite 200
Orange, CA 92868

Janice Corrales is a Harvard Law School graduate who has been dedicated to defending human rights and advocating for equal opportunity for all, since childhood. It was her dream to go to law school and gain the tools and skills she felt she needed in order to protect the basic rights of others. As a California-licensed attorney, her practice is focused on defending the rights of immigrants in the United States and includes representing clients in deportation proceedings, bond hearings, criminal proceedings, asylum cases, U visas, NACARA, and the full variety of processes that immigrants encounter. A first-generation American, born to Cuban immigrants, and with Spanish as a first language, Ms. Corrales is happy to be able to effectively represent and provide legal services to under-served Latino communities. Being fluent in Spanish is a requirement for working at her law firm and Ms. Corrales is currently learning Mandarin in order to more effectively represent Asian communities as well.

Ms. Corrales considers herself to be a Citizen of the World. Some of her human rights work includes providing free legal services in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, working in Nairobi, Kenya to help stop the embezzlement of funds by politicians, raising funds for building a clean water project in Ethiopia, clerking at the juvenile delinquency department of Public Defenders, and helping draft and successfully pass legislation in Massachusetts to protect victims of domestic violence. At home in California Ms. Corrales regularly volunteers feeding the homeless and providing workshops for teenagers. Recently she has also been involved in several Deferred Action outreach and Deferred Action free legal clinics.

Compassion serves as the base for all of Ms. Corrales’ work. She genuinely cares about her clients and goes out of her way to provide the most effective representation possible and to make herself extremely accessible to her clients. Her firm treats clients with the respect they deserve and her employees are constantly reminded that they are there to serve the clients. Her firm offers intelligent, effective, compassionate and accessible representation to those who need it.

California State Bar License: 263207


Corrales Law Group

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